A tradition I've had for the past few years is visiting the coast during the winter holiday season. In high school and college we would go down to Santa Cruz and enjoy an afternoon around town and at the boardwalk. Then instead of driving through the mountains home we would drive up highway one. It was this drive which I always looked forward to. Continuing in a similar fashion I made a solo venture to the coast last weekend...
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A big issue with me and my hobbies is keeping my attention piqued. I am the type of person who will dive head first into something, wrap my brain around it, and go all in only to become bored and move on. The problem is that there are often lulls as the tide of hobbies ebbs and flows. It’s in those lulls that seemingly nothing can interest me. One of the fortunate beauties of photography is that it is a hobby that continues giving. The moment you have mastered the basics is the moment you hear about long exposure photography or shallow DOF portraits and begin learning once again.
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I've realized it's been over six months since I've last posted. Simply put, life happens. These past six months have felt closer to six years to me. But I am posting now and I have made a summer goal to not only be more creatively active but to also reboot my social media and digital presence!
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