Josh Harmon is a San Francisco Bay Area based visual artist. Specializing in landscape and portrait imagery, Josh is driven to capture his interpretation of the world – drawing inspiration from both the diverse landscapes of California and from human spirit. Outside of visuals, he is a lifelong enthusiast of water and an avid swimmer; an obsession where much of his style and influence originates from.
A strong believer in the camera being an extension of one’s eye and imagination Josh uses a variety of cameras, films, and processes to achieve his intended looks. Lately the majority of his landscape work has been captured following large format practices. Other work is captured on a mixture of consumer 35mm cameras or his beloved Pentax 6x7. On occasion Josh will use his Pentax 645Z dSLR.
While Josh would love to purse his artistic passions full time he is currently pursing a parallel career as a software engineer.
Any photograph on this site or instagram is available in the form of prints, please inquire for further details.